Circuit Breaker Replacement Parts

GE AK-1-50 Renewal Parts

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Description Part Number
Arc Quencher Assembly AC175L303G1
Arc Quencher Assembly DC175L303G5
Arc Quencher Tie Bar9921630P1
Auxiliary Switch , 2 stage6353562G2
Auxiliary Switch , 5 stage6353562G5
Auxiliary Switch Kit, 10 Contact Switch242C671G2
Auxiliary Switch Kit, 4 Contact Switch242C671G1
Baffle, AC265B249P1
Baffle, DC372A498G1
Base for Pole Unit6414314P2
Bearing for Crankshaft, left393A796P4
Bearing for Crankshaft, right6447760P1
Bearing for Prop377A871P2
Bearings for Tripshaft377A871P2
Block, AC371A206P1
Block, DC371A206P2
Cap, AC265B229P1
Cap, DC6555518P2
Clamp For Overload Trip Paddle6447766P1
Clevis Pin6447352P1
Closing Cam6414743P1
Closing Spring Assembly273B569G1
Closing Spring Guard6447151P1
Closing Switch9921661P1
Compound Support, AC371A207P1
Compound Support, DC372A464P1
Contact Fingers6403870P1
Contact Stop For Stationary Main Contact9921576P1
Contact Stop, AC9921587P1
Contact Stop, DC372A465P1
Coupling (Electrical)6555414P2
Coupling (Manual)6447027P1
Crank Bearing393A796P2
Cross Bar Drawout Breaker267B101P2
Cross Bar Stationary Breaker6414750P2
Cut-Off Switch Cover371A235P1
Cut-Off Switch Insulation174V521P1
Cut-Off Switch Lever Bracket371A234G1
Cut-Off Switch Mounting Bracket371A233G1
Cylinder Support and Guide6319456G40
End Bearing for Crankshaft393A796P1
End Bearing for Crankshaft393A796P3
End Bearing for Tripshaft377A871P2
Front Escutcheon (Manual)9921604G1
Front Escutcheon with provision for closing button9921602G1
Front Escutcheon without provision for Closing Button372A351G1
Gear Box Assembly175L316G1
Inner Barrier, AC6414492P1
Inner Barrier, DC6414492P1
Latch Bolt6444916P1
Latch Washer402P69B5
Lifting Bracket, left372A275G2
Lifting Bracket, right372A275G1
Link Assembly (Electrical)175L315G40
Link Assembly (Manual)175L302G40
Link for Movable Arcing Contact, AC9921573P1
Link for Movable Arcing Contact, DC372A462P1
Link for Movable Main Contact6404784P3
Lubricant for Gear Box, 4 oz393A991P1
Magnet, AC371A205P1
Magnet, AC371A205P2
Mechanism Assembly, 2 Pole Breaker (Electrical)175L315G5
Mechanism Assembly, 2 Pole Breaker (Electrical)175L315G1
Mechanism Assembly, 2 Pole Breaker (Manual)175L302G2
Mechanism Assembly, 3 Pole Breaker (Manual)175L302G1
Motor Cut-Off Switch, "F"9921661P1
Motor Cut-Off Switch, "G"9921661P2
Motor Gasket64447101P1
Motor, 115V, 25, 50, 60 cycles5P66MA1
Motor, 125V DC5P66MA1
Motor, 208V, 50 cycle5P66MA3
Motor, 230V, 25, 50, 60 cycles5P66MA3
Motor, 250V DC5P66MA3
Motor, 380V, 50 cycles used with transformer5P66MA3
Motor, 460V, 25, 50, 60 cycles used with transformer5P66MA3
Motor, 575V, 25, 50, 60 cycles, used with transformer5P66MA3
Movable Arcing Contact, AC9921572G1
Movable Arcing Contact, DC9921572G1
Movable Contact6402656G1
Movable Intermediate Contact9921568G2
Movable Main Contact9921568G1
"O" Ring for Plug393A992P1
Opening Spring6509914
Operating Handle (Manual)6548046P2
Operating Shaft Assembly175L302G37
Overload Trip Paddle6447765P1
Phase Barrier6414763P1
Pin for Closing Cam6447091P1
Pin for Closing Cam6447182P2
Pin for Closing Spring Support6447010P1
Pin for Link6447099P1
Pin for Movable Arcing Contact Pivot6447734P3
Pin for Movable Main Contact Link6447736P1
Pin for Movable Main Contact Pivot6447734P1
Pin for Moveable Arcing Contact Link, AC6447153P3
Pin for Moveable Arcing Contact Link, DC6447153P1
Pin for Reset Latch6447744P1
Pin for Side Link6203981P1
Pin for Spring Charging Arm6447032P1
Pin for Stationary Main contact Pivot6447734P2
Pivot Pin for Stationary Arcing Contact, AC6404793P3
Pivot Pin for Stationary Arcing Contact, DC6404793P2
Plate, AC267B247P1
Plate, DC267B161P1
Plunger and Link6403128G1
Pocket Barrier, Left, AC6414494P2
Pocket Barrier, Left, AC6414494P2
Pocket Barrier, Right, AC6414494P1
Pocket Barrier, Right, DC6414494P1
Pole Unit Assembly AC175L304G1
Pole Unit Assembly DC175L304G21
Position Indicator Assembly175L302G38
Primary Disconnect Assembly175L305G1
Prop for Closing Cam (Electrical)371A273G2
Prop for Closing Cam (Manual)371A273G1
Prop for Linkage9921596G1
Prop Pin for Closing Cam174V531
Ratchet Pin372A283P1
Relay 115 2512HGA11J78
Relay 115 5012HGA11J74
Relay 115 6012HGA11J70
Relay 125 DC12HGA11J52
Relay 230 2512HGA11J79
Relay 230 5012HGA11J75
Relay 230 6012HGA11J71
Relay 250 DC12HGA11J51
Reset Latch Assembly (Electrical)175L315G39
Reset Latch Assembly (Manual)175L302G39
Retainer for Clevis Pin394A133P10
Retainer for Closing Cam Pin394A133P10
Retainer for Linkage Pin394A133P11
Retainer for Moveable Arcing Contact Link Pin394A133P9
Retainer for Prop394A133P9
Retainer for Reset Latch Pin394A133P9
Retainer for Side Link Pin394A133P10
Retaining Ring9921616P1
Retaining Ring for Crankshaft394A133P2
Retaining Ring for Cut-Off Switch394A133P9
Retaining Ring for Spring Charging Arm Pin394A133P4
Retaining Ring for Spring Support Pin394A133P4
Retaining Ring for Tripshaft End Bearings394A133P1
Reverse Current Tripping Device6319457G1
Roll Pin for Crank Bearing394A137P1
Screw (1/4-20 x 4 3/4 in. steel)175L305P24
Series Overcurrent Tripping Device6319453A
Shunt Trip Coil 115 256275081G26
Shunt Trip Coil 115 506275081G24
Shunt Trip Coil 115 606275081G25
Shunt Trip Coil 125 DC6275081G29
Shunt Trip Coil 208 256275081G29
Shunt Trip Coil 208 506275081G26
Shunt Trip Coil 208 606275081G26
Shunt Trip Coil 230 256275081G29
Shunt Trip Coil 230 506275081G26
Shunt Trip Coil 230 606275081G26
Shunt Trip Coil 250 DC6275081G30
Shunt Trip Coil 380 256275081G7
Shunt Trip Coil 380 506275081G4
Shunt Trip Coil 380 606275081G27
Shunt Trip Coil 460 256275081G7
Shunt Trip Coil 460 506275081G4
Shunt Trip Coil 460 606275081G27
Shunt Trip Coil 575 256275081G5
Shunt Trip Coil 575 506275081G29
Shunt Trip Coil 575 606275081G7
Shunt Trip Device, less coil6319456G1
Shunt Trip Spring6172583
Side Barrier, AC6414493P1
Side Barrier, DC6414493P1
Side Frame, Left, AC265B248P2
Side Frame, Left, DC265B248P2
Side Frame, Right, AC265B248P1
Side Frame, Right, DC265B248P1
Side Link Assembly, Left175L304G38
Side Link Assembly, Right175L304G37
Silicone oil # 9981LT40NV, 1/4 oz, w/ bottle393A991P2
Spacer AC371A208P1
Spacer AC9921578P1
Spacer DC372A436P1
Spacer DC372A466P1
Spacer for Cut-Off Switch6176109P17
Spacer for Movable Arcing Contact, AC6447773P1
Spacer for Movable Arcing Contact, DC6447773P2
Spacers for Closing Cam (Electrical)175L315P24
Spacers for Closing Cam (Manual)175L320P17
Spring for Movable Main Contact365A311P1
Spring for Movable Main Contact Retainer6447743P1
Spring for Position Indicator6172558P1
Spring for Prop-Closing Cam (Electrical)365A333P1
Spring for Prop-Closing Cam (Manual)6509858P1
Spring for Prop-Closing Cam (Manual)6509859P1
Spring for Ratcher Pin6509871P1
Spring for Reset Latch6403348
Spring for Reset Mechanism (Electrical)6403393P1
Spring for Reset Mechanism (Manual)6203985P1
Spring for Stationary Arcing Contact, AC6509858P1
Spring for Stationary Arcing Contact, DC6509858P1
Spring for Stationary Main Contact6509893P1
Spring for Tripshaft Return6403366P1
Spring Guide for Stationary Arcing Contact, AC6447046P1
Spring Guide for Stationary Arcing Contact, DC6447046P1
Spring Guide, Lower6447353P1
Spring Guide, Upper6447331P1
Stationary Arcing Contact AC9921559G1
Stationary Arcing Contact DC9921559G1
Stationary Contact, center6472067G1
Stationary Contact, outer6472067G2
Stationary Intermediate Contact175L304G40
Stationary Main Contact9921566P1
Steel Back Plate, AC371A209P1
Steel Back Plate, DC371A209P2
Stop for Prop6447748P1
Support Assembly Reset Spring6203914G1
Terminal Board, 4 Point6293908G32
Terminal Board, 6 Point6293908G33
Transformer, 380-230V, 50 cycles61G27
Transformer, 460-230V, 25 cycles76G327
Transformer, 460-230V, 50, 60 cycles61G27
Transformer, 575-230V, 25 cycles76G348
Transformer, 575-230V, 50, 60 cycles61G48
Trip Shaft265B234P1
Tripshaft Coupling174V536P1
Tube for Side Link Pin6447741P1
Undervoltage Device Coil 115 256275081G5
Undervoltage Device Coil 115 506275081G4
Undervoltage Device Coil 115 606275081G26
Undervoltage Device Coil 125 DC6275081G18
Undervoltage Device Coil 208 256275081G3
Undervoltage Device Coil 208 506275081G5
Undervoltage Device Coil 208 606275081G27
Undervoltage Device Coil 230 256275081G3
Undervoltage Device Coil 230 506275081G5
Undervoltage Device Coil 230 606275081G7
Undervoltage Device Coil 250 DC6275081G19
Undervoltage Device Coil 380 256275081G17
Undervoltage Device Coil 380 506275081G3
Undervoltage Device Coil 380 606275081G31
Undervoltage Device Coil 460 256275081G17
Undervoltage Device Coil 460 506275081G3
Undervoltage Device Coil 460 606275081G31
Undervoltage Device Coil 575 256275081G21
Undervoltage Device Coil 575 506275081G6
Undervoltage Device Coil 575 606275081G10
Undervoltage Device, Instantaneous AC6319456G7
Undervoltage Device, Instantaneous DC6319456G9
Undervoltage Device, Time Delay AC6319456G8
Undervoltage Device, Time Delay DC6319456G10
Washer for Clevis9921652P4
Washer for Clevis9921652P5
Washer for Crankshaft6007608P2
Washer for Prop6007608P3

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