Circuit Breaker Replacement Parts

Westinghouse DB-15 Renewal Parts

Click on part number for quote

Description Part Number
Amptector IA Retrofit Kit, 100-225 A - LIG8184A50G01
Amptector IA Retrofit Kit, 100-225 A - LIG (w/o ground indicator)8184A50G61
Amptector IA Retrofit Kit, 100-225 A - LSG8184A50G02
Amptector IA Retrofit Kit, 100-225 A - LSG (w/o ground indicator)8184A50G62
Amptector IA Retrofit Kit, 100-225 A - LSIG8184A50G03
Amptector IA Retrofit Kit, 100-225 A - LSIG (w/o ground indicator)8184A50G63
Amptector IIA Retrofit Kit, 100-225 A - LIG8184A50G31
Amptector IIA Retrofit Kit, 100-225 A - LSG8184A50G32
Amptector IIA Retrofit Kit, 100-225 A - LSIG8184A50G33
Amptectors type IA with indicator - LI6998D22G01
Amptectors type IA with indicator - LS6998D00G03
Amptectors type IA with indicator - LSI6998D22G06
Amptectors type IA with indicator and ground - LI6998D02G02
Amptectors type IA with indicator and ground - LS6998D02G04
Amptectors type IA with indicator and ground - LSI6998D02G05
Amptectors type IIA without indicator or ground - LI6997D20G41
Amptectors type IIA without indicator or ground - LS6997D20G42
Amptectors type IIA without indicator or ground - LSI6997D20G43
Arc Chutes 1406222
Auxiliary Switch, 4 Pole D.O. 13B4492G06
Auxiliary Switch, 8 Pole D.O.13B4492G07
Breaker and Operating Handle (Rotary Close and Trip)13B4832H04
Breaker Lever 1406241
Breaker Operating Handle302C425G02
Closing Coil 115 V Ac300P748G01
Closing Coil 125 V Dc 1529691
Closing Coil 220 V Ac300P747G01
Closing Coil 250 V Dc1535307
Closing Coil 440 V Ac300P516G01
Closing Spring 125A871H04
Complete Mechanism E/O, 3 Position420D494G02
Complete Mechanism E/O, Single Position420D493G02
Complete Mechanism M/O, 3 Position420D494G03
Complete Mechanism M/O, Single Position420D493G04
DB-15 E/O, 3 Position405D803G04-EO
DB-15 E/O, 3 Position21A9783G07
DB-15 M/O, 3 Position405D803G06-MO
DB-15 M/O, 3 Position21A9783G09
Ext. Rails, L.H., 3 position1574667
Ext. Rails, R.H., 3 position1547668
Finger Clusters 1491905
Levering Device, 3 position301C730G01
Lower Stud 1735837
Main Contact 1615590
Mechanism Shaft Assembly-Electric, 3 Position307C736G03
Mechanism Shaft Assembly-Electric, Single Position307C736G01
Mechanism Shaft Assembly-Spring , 3 Position307C736G04
Mechanism Shaft Assembly-Spring, Single Position307C736G02
Molded Contact Base 1615701
Molded Contact Base 25B3581G01
Moving Arcing Contact 1529200
Moving Main Contact W/ Shunt 1529196
Moving Secondary Contact (4P) 18B1225G09
Opening Spring 1581787
Operating Link 6C1093G01
Pawl 1406187
Pawl Pin 1802676
Pawl Spring 1529191
Pole Unit (Complete) 1529684
Pole Unit Base 1491764
Reset Spring 1529190
Roller Lever 1491454
Secondary Contact 18B1225G10
Shunt Trip 125V DC/ 240V AC and Capacitor Trip1491362
Shunt Trip 48V DC/ 120V AC 1491361
Shunt Trip Coils 115 V Ac, 60 Hz 1574583
Shunt Trip Coils 125 V Dc 1491403
Shunt Trip Coils 220 V Ac, 60 Hz 1491403
Shunt Trip Coils 250 V Dc 1491404
Stationary Main and Arcing Contact 1529201
Stationary Upper Stud 1529195
Toggle Lever 1st 405D799H09
Toggle Lever 2nd 1406238
Toggle Lever 3rd 1406237
Trip Lever Spring 1735766
Tripping Lever 1572415
Tripping Spring126A107H01
Undervoltage Time Delay Trip1533717
Undervoltage Trip Coil 120 AC (Instantaneous)1491403
Undervoltage Trip Coil 125 DC /440 AC (Instantaneous)1611027
Undervoltage Trip Coil 220 AC / 48 DC (Instantaneous)1491404
Undervoltage Trip Coil 250 DC (Instantaneous)1529248
Undervoltage Trip Device 125 V DC 23A9019G31
Undervoltage Trip Devices 120 V AC 23A9019G33 
X Relay Blowout Coil1589340
X Relay Cover1491301
X Relay Left Hand Stationary Contact23A3609G17
X Relay Moving Contact1491295
X Relay Right Hand Stationary Contact1491294
X Relays 115 V Ac, 60 Hz 33A2746G34
X Relays 125 V Dc 33A2746G32
X Relays 220 V Ac, 60 Hz 33A2746G35
X Relays 250 V Dc 33A2746G33
X Relays 440 V Ac, 60 Hz 33A2746G36

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