Contactor Replacement Parts
Westinghouse LF25H730 Renewal Parts
Click on part number for quote
Description | Part Number |
12 prong plug with wire | 2147A15G07 |
12 prong receptacle with wire | 2147A15G08 |
120 volt operating coil and protection resistor | 2147A78G01 |
2 KVA control transformer 2300/240/120 volt | 2147A11G02 |
2 KVA control transformer 4160/240/120 volt | 2147A11G06 |
240 volt operating coil and protection resistor | 2147A78G02 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 100/5) | 2147A14G04 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 1000/5) | 2147A14G14 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 150/5) | 2147A14G05 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 200/5) | 2147A14G06 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 250/5) | 2147A14G07 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 300/5) | 2147A14G08 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 400/5) | 2147A14G09 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 50/5) | 2147A14G02 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 500/5) | 2147A14G10 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 600/5) | 2147A14G11 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 75/5) | 2147A14G03 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 750/5) | 2147A14G12 |
3 Phase donut type (Ratio 800/5) | 2147A14G13 |
700 amp, 5000 volt max, complete isolating switch with microswitch | 2147A71G01 |
Arc Box Jaw, Qty 6 | 2147A01G11 |
Arc Box | 2147A76G01 |
Complete contactor, 2300/ 120 volt, 750 volt amp transformer | 2147A70G01 |
Complete contactor, 2300/120 volt, 2 KVA transformer | 2147A70G02 |
Complete latched contactor 2300/120 volt, 2 KVA transformer, 60 Hz | 2147A70G12 |
Complete latched contactor 2300/120 volt, 750 amp transformer, 60 Hz | 2147A70G11 |
Contact kit and spring 3 pole stationary and moving (special-heavy duty) | 2147A72G02 |
Contact kit and spring 3 pole stationary and moving (standard) | 2147A72G01 |
Control transformer primary fuse, 2300 volt, 2 amp | 2147A11G24 |
Control transformer primary fuse, 4160 volt, 3 amp | 2147A11G25 |
Formed side sheet common to all structures | 2147A90G01 |
Fuse block with fuse clips for secondary fuses for control circuit, 120 colt | 2147A11G35 |
Fuse blocks with fuse clips for primary fuses for control transformers, 2300 volt primary | 2147A11G21 |
Fuse blocks with fuse clips for primary fuses for control transformers, 4160 volt primary | 2147A11G22 |
Fuse load fingers | 2147A71G15 |
Fuse puller for 700 amp starter | 2147A93G07 |
Fuse suport and barrier assembly | 2147A76G06 |
Fuse support assembly | 2147A71G17 |
Grounding bar assembly with fingers | 2147A71G20 |
Grounding fingers | 2147A71G23 |
Handle and front plate assembly with microswitch | 2147A21G18 |
L-64 interlock one normally open and one normally closed contact (standard) | 843D943G21 |
L-64 interlock two normally closed contacts | 843D943G32 |
L-64 interlock two normally open contacts | 843D943G22 |
Line fingers with copper support | 2147A79G01 |
Load fingers with copper support | 2147A79G03 |
Load or line stab assembly, 3 copper stabs plus 3 insulators | 2147A79G05 |
Micro switch assembly | 2147A01G01 |
Moving contact mounting assembly complete with shaft | 2147A79G10 |
Phase barriers main and reversing contactor | 2147A76G11 |
Potential transformer 3 phase open delta (2300/120 volt) | 2147A11G14 |
Potential transformer 3 phase open delta (4160/120 volt) | 2147A11G15 |
Potential transformers single phase | 2147A11G11 |
Potential transformers single phase 4160/ 120 volt | 2147A11G12 |
Primary Fuse Bands | 2147A11G31 |
Shunts | 2147A77G01 |
Shutter assembly | 2417A71G19 |
Shutter operator | 2147A71G21 |
Side stiffener | 2147A91G11 |
Side-out control panel with slide rails, mounts in a 400 and 700 amp cell | 2147A91G12 |
Single phase bar type (Ratio 100/5) | 2147A12G04 |
Single phase bar type (Ratio 150/5) | 2147A12G05 |
Single phase bar type (Ratio 200/5) | 2147A12G06 |
Single phase bar type (Ratio 25/5) | 2147A12G01 |
Single phase bar type (Ratio 250/5) | 2147A12G07 |
Single phase bar type (Ratio 50/5) | 2147A12G02 |
Single phase bar type (Ration 75/5) | 2147A12G03 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 100/5) | 2147A13G04 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 1000/5) | 2147A13G14 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 1200/5) | 2147A13G15 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 200/5) | 2147A13G06 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 250/5) | 2147A13G07 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 300/5) | 2147A13G08 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 400/5) | 2147A13G09 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 500/5) | 2147A13G10 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 600/5) | 2147A13G11 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 750/5) | 2147A13G12 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio 800/5) | 2147A13G13 |
Single phase donut type (Ratio150/5) | 2147A13G05 |
Standard control transformer (2300/120 volt, 750 amp) | 2147A11G01 |
Standard control transformer (2300/240 volt, 750 amp) | 2147A11G03 |
Standard control transformer (4160/120 volt, 600 volt amp) | 2147A11G05 |
Standard control transformer (4160/240 volt, 600 volt amp) | 2147A11G07 |
Three pole reversing contactor with line and load fingers, 120 volt coil | 2147A76G12 |
Tray assembly with fuse clamps and grounding fingers | 2147A21G22 |
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