Air Circuit Breakers

Westinghouse LF50H230 Contactor

Complete Breakers and Replacement Parts In Stock
Westinghouse LF50H230 contactor pictured.
Westinghouse LF50H230 contactor pictured.
Westinghouse LF50H230 motor starter pictured.

Manufacturer: Westinghouse

Model: LF50H230

Type: Motor Starter / Contactor

Voltage Class: 4160 VAC

Ampacity: 700 AMP

Indoor / Outdoor: Indoor

Dimensions: 26"(W) x 30" (D) x 90" (H)

Availability: Complete starter or component parts, Ampgard contactor.

If this contactor isn't an exact match to the equipment you have please contact us. Our highly skilled sales staff will assist you in finding exactly what you need.

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